Website – Web Application


Haitian, Caribbean and Afro-Canadian International Documentation and Information Center 

The CIDIHCA responds to the vocation of a documentation center by offering, in Montreal, to as wide an audience as possible, documentation on Haiti as well as on the Caribbean diasporas and the Afro-Canadian community. The documentary research and the precise updating of this documentation have enabled the CIDIHCA to become an essential place of reference.

Along with a book collection of nearly twenty thousand (20,000) titles, the CIDIHCA library has assembled a considerable collection of magazines, newspapers and documents. The CIDIHCA also has a photo library, a video library, and an important collection of microfilms on the history of Haiti. An important collection on Haitian literature is accessible to researchers and students. The Center annually welcomes more than five hundred (500) researchers from all over the world. The Center launched in 2019 its online library and archives.


Appwapp Mandate

  1. Wireframe and design
  2. Redesign of a non-dynamic website to WordPress
  3. Make searching a little easier
  4. Plugin development for their advanced search tool